segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

The Benefit Of Software Monitoring And Why You Should Have It

Software monitoring programs are fast gaining popularity all over the world. The essence of these programs is to monitor web content and ensure that the PC owner is protected from illegal web activities. It can also be used to control the kind of web content that is accessed via a certain computer network or PC. The importance of this program to parents cannot be overstated.

These programs allow the owner of a computer network or a PC to control the online content and activity that is being accessed via his/her computer networks or PC. In today's life, almost everyone has a computer and the PC and networks are the only shared technology. With different users, these networks remain vulnerable to abuse and illegal downloads. There is therefore need to control the content and activity on the internet.

The parents who have minor children have probably benefited more from this program. Since it allows one to monitor incoming and outgoing messages, both in the email and chat rooms, parents have been able to protect their underage children from online predators and other questionable online activity. They have also been able to regulate the content accessible to their children. Since there are many programs in the market to help one gain control over the internet, there are factors to consider when purchasing the monitoring programs. Top on the list is the eligibility of the buyer. In order for one to buy the programs they must fulfill one of three criteria used. They must be parents of a minor or prove that they own a computer or that they have consent of other users of their networks to install the program. Once you fulfill any of the three criteria then you can purchase licensed and legal software for your computer or network. Monitoring programs also allow parents to assess the friendships that the children keep especially via emails and chat messages. If there is any problem, the parent can tactfully curtail bad relationships. The main advantage of this program is that the child might not even know that they are being monitored. The key logger in this case the parent can keep it a secret and block any site that they deem questionable on the child. For one to acquire the licensed and legal monitoring program, they must fulfill either of three conditions. They must prove that they own a computer and they must prove that other users of the computer network are aware and consent to the installation of the program or alternatively they must prove that they are parents of a minor. For parents with young children, this might not be a problem.

The filtering and blocking feature should enable the computer owner to block any site that he deems questionable. This should also include chat messages and downloads of illegal games, music and software. The filter can be done by either using key words or categories. The reporting feature should enable the computer owner to get feedback as it stores all information necessary for monitoring and blocking. With all these features the software monitoring should be effective.

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